Trying Out the Terrarium Bar at Bleached Butterfly

If you’re looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon and an adorable new piece of home décor, then we have the activity for you: the terrarium bar at the Bleached Butterfly in Berlin! We headed into town to give it a try and the lovely owner, Autumn Kramer, showed us the terrarium ropes.

The first step in our new terrarium project was adding a layer of rocks, a layer of bark, and a layer of soil to our vases. Autumn explained that this is to facilitate the draining of the water since the roots would rot away if they sat in water for too long. Next, was the fun part, choosing our plants! We could choose from all sorts of fun-colored mosses, succulents, and air plants, our options lining the work bench. After selecting a few succulents and some lime green moss, we moved onto the final step. Autumn had a selection of trimmings and terrarium embellishments, like little bees and shells, for us to pick from. We stuck a few in our vases and our terrariums were complete. Then, Autumn taught us how to care for our new terrariums and we were on our way.